Department of International Law
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


RUDN University Space Week

RUDN University Space Week 2024

On October 7–10, 2024 RUDN University Space Week traditionally took place. This event was dedicated to the World Space Week, which is celebrated annually in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 54/68 (December 6, 1999) from October 4 to 10 to commemorate the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 on October 4, 1957, and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967 – the fundamental international treaty in the field of international space law. 


The World Space Week 2024 was dedicated to the interconnection of space with the climate change problem, that is why all the days of RUDN University Space Week were related to the main theme.

Within the framework of the 4th day of RUDN University Space Week the organizers announced a competition among students for the best question for the speakers. The prize was two volumes of the Russian-language Cologne Commentary on Space Law. As a result of the selection, it was decided to recognize Evgeny Tatarchenko (MSU) and Danila Zaryugin (RUDN University).

RUDN Space Week was organized by the Centre for International Space Law named after Gennadiy Zhukov at the Department of International Law of the Law Institute (RUDN University)

In total 343 people representing 44 countries took part in RUDN University Space Week for 4 days. See the detailed program and the list of countries below. 

October 7: Plenary Session. 

October 8: Satellite Technology & Earth Observation: Experience 

of Russian Federation

October 9: Future Impact of Space Technologies for Climate Change and Space Environment

October 10: Legal and Political Aspects of Space Exploration in the Context of Climate Change

Special words of gratitude are dedicated to our partners – Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications and the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences for their support and cooperation.

The event would not have taken place without professional moderators: 

Prof. Dr. Aslan Abashidze (Russia) – Head of the Department of International Law at RUDN University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation; 

Ms Elina Morozova (Intersputnik) – Executive Director of the Intersputnik International Organization for Space Communications; 

Dr. Andrey Sadovsky (Russia) – Scientific Secretary of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Dr. Irina Chernykh (Russia) – Associate Professor of the Department of International Law at RUDN University.

Translators of the Department of International Law at RUDN University – assistants Milica Popovic (Serbia) and Pavel Baryshkov (Russia) did a great job, too! Thank you for your hard work!

* Abkhazia, Algeria, Angola, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, United Kingdom, Gambia, Egypt, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Colombia, Congo, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, South Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia

If you want to be a speaker at RUDN University Space Week 2025, please, contact with us by email:

October 4 & 10, 2023 RUDN University hold its third RUDN University Space Week, dedicated to the World Space Week, which is annually celebrated under the UN General Assembly Resolution 54/68 (December 6, 1999) during October 4-10 as a contribution of the first human-made Earth satellite’ launch, Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957 and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967 – magna carta of international space law. The theme of this year's world Space Week was formulated as “Space and Entrepreneurship”

Event was in online format with more than 220 participants from 42 countries (see below all countries list).

RUDN University Space Week was organized by two divisions of the University: Gennadiy Zhukov International Space Law Centre of the Department of International Law (Law Institute) and Engineering Academy. In the framework of the Week there were 2 Sessions on different aspects of space science and technologies, and space law and policy.

RUDN University Space Week 2023

The first day (October 4, 2023) – Plenary Session – was opened by Vice Rector for International Affairs of RUDN University, Prof. Dr. Larisa EFREMOVA, who welcomed all participants and talked about contribution of RUDN University in space science, research and education. Then Senior Adviser of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Centre in Russia, Mr. Sergey KOROTKOV, made a report “First World Satellite –Sputnik 1- the Start of the Space Era”. Mr. Vasiliy GUDNOV – Director of the Department for International Сooperation at the State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS highlighted some aspects of international cooperation in space area on the example of Russia, Latin America, Asia and Africa. Regular participant of the RUDN University Space Week Antonio Fernando PRADO BERTACHINI DE ALIMEIDA (Brazil) made a presentation about “Spacecraft Control and Input of Brazilian Space Agency”. Then Professor of the University Putra Malaysia Dr. Renuganth VARATJARADJOO (Malaysia) discussed with participants how to get Space Education in Malaysia. The final report by Adde Yeshurun Akemayehu (Ethiopia) – Deputy General Director of Space science and Geospatial Institute of Ethiopia was dedicated to Perspectives of Ephiopian Space Program.

Within the second day of the RUDN University Space Week participants discussed (October 10, 2023) legal aspects of space exploration. The Deputy of the First Vice Rector, Vice Rector for Research of RUDN University, Victoria Romaschenko opened the Session and wished participants fruitful and interesting discussion, noting that international space law school has a long history under the run of Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Prof. Dr. Aslan Abashidze.

The following representatives and distinguished guests participated in the Session:

- Dr. Ian GROSNER (Brazil) Legal Counsel and Deputy Head of the Legal Services department at the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), the Chair of the Working Group on the Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space of the Legal Subcommittee of the UN COPUOS told about “Old and New Issues Related to the Working Group of Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space”.

- Head of Department of Law of the University of Hong Kong, Professor Dr. Yun ZHAO (Hong Kong) discussed with listeners “Legal Aspects of Space Activities Sustainability”.

- Then Professor Dr. Ram S. JAKHU (Canada), Full Professor (and former Director) at McGill Institute of Air and Space Law made a comprehensive presentation about some challenges and changes in international space law within presentation titled “The End of International Space Law”.

- Dr. Michelle HANLON (USA), Co-Founder and President of For All Moonkind, Executive Director of the Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Space Law, continued and talked about “Legal and Ethical Context for Space Exploration and Space Resource Utilization”.

-         The final report “Satellite Geoinformation Systems and Their Applications in Tanzania” of Director of Center Excellence in Information and Telecommunication Technology of Dar es Salam Institute – Petro PESHA (Tanzania) closed the Session.

During the RUDN University Space Week it was announced a Competition among students for the best question for speakers. We are happy to announce the winner for the best question among students who will receive the 2nd Volume of Cologne Commentary on Space Law and a gift from Law Institute of RUDN University. Milica Popovich became such a lucky person.

We thank our partner Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications for support and cooperation.

We also thank or Moderators: Deputy Director for International Affairs at Academy of Engineering of RUDN University Ms. Irina ANDRYUSHCHENKO; Executive Director of the Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications Ms. Elina Morozova and Assistant Professor of the Department of International Law of RUDN University Dr. Irina Chernykh.

* Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, China, Columbia, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Moldova, Nigeria, Palestine, Paraguay, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Serbia, Spain, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, USA.