About us
International Relations
Faculty of the Department consists of professor, associate professors and senior lecturer. Many of them graduated from famous world universities as University of Amsterdam (A. Solntsev, N. Emelyanova), Harvard University (E. Kiseleva), Lund University (A. Abashidze, E. Kiseleva), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (M. Ilyashevich), European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (A. Koneva). All lecturers are members of different professional associations and communities: International Law Association (ILA), International Institute of Space Law (IISL), European Society of International Law (ESIL), etc.
Institutional Member
International Institute of Space Law (IISL, Paris, France) https://iislweb.org/
European Law Faculties Association (ELFA, Leuven, Belgium) https://elfa-edu.org/
New Silk Road Law Schools Alliance (Xi’an, China)
Европейское сообщество международного права (ESIL, Флоренция, Италия) http://esil-sedi.eu/
Academy of Environmental Law, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, Baltimore, USA) https://www.iucnael.org/en/
Individual membership
International Institute of Space Law (IISL, Paris, France) https://iislweb.org/
Chernykh I., Gugunskiy D., Solntsev A.
International Law Association (ILA, London, UK) http://www.ila-hq.org/
Abashidze A.
European Centre for Space Law (ECSL, Paris, France) https://www.esa.int/About_Us/ECSL_European_Centre_for_Space_Law
Chernykh I., Solntsev A.
European Society of International Law (ESIL, Florence, Italy) http://esil-sedi.eu/
Abashidze A., Bukuru J.-B., Koneva A., Nikolaev A., Solntsev A.
European Environmental Law Forum (EELF, Leipzig, Germany) https://www.eelf.info
Solntsev A.
World Commission on Environmental Law, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, Bonn, Germany) https://www.iucn.org/theme/environmental-law/about/world-commission-environmental-law
Solntsev A.